Thursday, March 22, 2012

Here come terrible twos.

Finally! I got these pictures up! Cole turned 18 months a month ago, so he is actually 19 months right now, but at least I got the pictures! For these pictures, we headed to the LDS Mesa, AZ temple because it's spring, and the temple is gorgeous now! Cole spent half of our picture time walking up the stairs and trying to scoot down the handicapped ramp like a slide. It took a lot of screaming for him to go anywhere else. But, I am used to that by now. Screaming, that is. Cole at 18 months is very stubborn (I'm positive he got it from his dad). He knows what he wants and does not like to be told otherwise. We're trying to help him use his words, but sometimes screaming just gets the job done. He is 100% all American boy. He loves airplanes, trucks and being outside. He is one fearless boy and wants to be just like his daddy. For example, Cole saw Derek drag the hose from the house to the pool so the pool could fill up once. Now every time we are outside, Cole goes straight to the hose and yanks it to the pool. Thank goodness we are getting some pool protection this week because if not Cole would jump right in. Anyway, I feel so blessed to have this little boy in my life. He brings so much joy and happiness into our home. (The picture with Cole's hand to his head- he's okay, I promise! He just bumped his head and cried a little. But he is a tough cookie.
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  1. Um, he's HUGE. He is not a baby anymore! So cute. And you look great!

  2. Monica he is soooo cute and sooooo big! Ah. I need to see him soon (and you of course!). Also, I love the full shot you got of just the temple - it's gorgeous!

  3. man he is a cutie. and your photography is stunning :)

  4. he is so handsome! and i totally miss you guys. seriously, i think i need some monica time.

  5. Best looking man child alive, I swear it. Love the ones with you in there. :) I want a boy so I can buy that plaid shirt!

  6. What a little stud. I love that last picture of you and Cole. I seriously want to buy that picture of the temple from you for my wall!!
